This article about how ageism is affecting the medical field because of young students choices in careers fascinated me. Being that I want me to enter to medical field when I am older it made me realize about how many people I constantly hear say that they want to take on a position where their patience's ages range from a couple of months to 18, what about the rest of them? This article states that many young adults choose to interact with a younger crowd of patience instead leaving the percentage of professionals that care for the elderly very small. This large difference in choice for a profession has affected hospitals world wide, because along side the continuation of births occurring people are aging and left with now fewer consultants.
I understand that with elderly patients new topics come about such as health care but the younger generation I would think has a double amount of situations that a health professional would have to deal with like the various shots a new born gets and the on going vaccinations we get to prevent diseases. In my opinion, although I am one of the people who wants to get involved in nursing with infants, the elderly have as much importance in the health point of view. Our life cycle seems to be a never ending circle in my point of view and just as fragile and delicate a baby may seem to us older adults seem to fall right back into that category once the go up in age. The importance in every field of medicine I believe is important and cannot be compared and to have such a negative combination of ageism and career choice is quite horrible.
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I thought this article was very interesting!! Personally I want to go into teaching as my profession and work with children, but i totally get what you are saying about those who are older. Both my parents and one brother are in the medical field. My mom is NICU nurse so she is constantly around babies where as my brother is around mostly the elderly in his job. I never really thought about how differently those who are older are treated but after reading this article my views have completely changed.