Sunday, October 21, 2012

Don't judge a book by it's cover...

This video definitely made me laugh, it not only gave us a view on how people are treated but a perspective to a brighter change against ageism. A lot of people seem to loose respect toward people once they hit a certain age or think we know more then they do. But to be honest we don't. People today in our society that have lived longer lives seem to hold the most history. I believe they are a source of knowledge and definitely a spark of spirit. Just because they may not have the same physical appearance doesn't mean they don't hold inside the same thing... don't just a book by its cover right? Then why not put that into action? Ageism doesn't only happen in the workplace it happens daily in our lives, people are constantly putting elders down judging them to be useless or handicap. These men and women hold so much more then what they may appear to be. Ageism is a harsh thing that constantly is shutting down lively spirits and helpful characters like these people shown in this video.

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